MESD’s Vision for Classroom Technology Integration
An integral part of our district’s overall vision is to equip and inspire our students to excel today and tomorrow. We realize this means equipping our learning spaces with current technologies and providing our students with rich opportunities to engage in the types of student-centered, transformational learning experiences that will inspire them to be innovative communicators, collaborators, critical thinkers, and creators.
It is our vision that the students of the Moriarty-Edgewood School District will develop mastery of the new literacy skills necessary for successfully navigating current and emerging information and communication technologies. We believe that supporting our students with the integration of these skills will help to ensure their success in the workforce of the future, but just as important, it helps to equip and connect them as active and responsible citizens of this digital age, here and now.
We believe that it is our obligation to look beyond the scope of the traditional schoolhouse and provide rich opportunities for our students to solve relevant, real-world problems and experience transformational learning journeys that will better prepare them for the more “connected” futures that lie ahead. For this reason, MESD believes very strongly in supporting and empowering educators for change and innovation. This means empowering educators to transition to new teaching methods and to take risks outside of the status quo. New media and the new literacies that enable them to be successfully navigated are emerging rapidly, so it is important to support educators in their efforts to innovate and create ways of leveraging convergent ideas and technologies in their classrooms and beyond.